Solid oak floor, “Natural oil wax” 1MP4

Solid floor or solid wood floor means that the whole floor consists of boards made entirely of oak (see the cross-sectional view of the table on the left). Possibility to order the same shade of full oak interior doors, window sills, stairs, worktops.

Natural oil wax – brings out the natural beauty, dignity and harmony of oak wood especially well. This is also the reason why oak boards oiled with natural oil wax are the most bought. The classic, oak-like yellowish-brown color fits perfectly into any interior.

Solid oak floorboards add dignity to any room, are easy to maintain, warm to the feet and noise free. Solid floors have the longest service life, reaching 100+ years. Thus, from the point of view of floor life and price ratio, it is the cheapest floor material.

Wood is a natural material, so the diameter and shape of the branches vary. The tonality of the wood also varies. Be sure to read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions on our website before making a floor purchase!

Product code: 1MP4

Thickness: 20.5mm

Finish: oiled with natural oil wax

Widths: 120,140,160,180,200mm

For underfloor heating: not recommended

Length: 800-2800mm

Construction: solid wood Sort: Rustik, Natur, Selekt

Installation: with glue on the subfloor

Phases: on four sides, microphases at the ends

Suitable adhesives: Stauf, Wakol Suitable subfloors: concrete, OSB, plywood, wood

Material description: the boards are equipped with a plug or groove on four sides. The phases help to hide the cracks between the boards, which occur and close seasonally. Partially unplaned places on the underside of some boards are allowed, which does not affect the height or stability of the installed boards. Installed on the subfloor with the adhesives recommended in the table.


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Solid floor or solid wood floor means that the whole floor consists of boards made entirely of oak (see the cross-sectional view of the table on the left). Possibility to order the same shade of full oak interior doors, window sills, stairs, worktops.

Natural oil wax – brings out the natural beauty, dignity and harmony of oak wood especially well. This is also the reason why oak boards oiled with natural oil wax are the most bought. The classic, oak-like yellowish-brown color fits perfectly into any interior.

Solid oak floorboards add dignity to any room, are easy to maintain, warm to the feet and noise free. Solid floors have the longest service life, reaching 100+ years. Thus, from the point of view of floor life and price ratio, it is the cheapest floor material.

Wood is a natural material, so the diameter and shape of the branches vary. The tonality of the wood also varies. Be sure to read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions on our website before making a floor purchase!

Product code: 1MP4

Thickness: 20.5mm

Finish: oiled with natural oil wax

Widths: 120,140,160,180,200mm

For underfloor heating: not recommended

Length: 800-2800mm

Construction: solid wood Sort: Rustik, Natur, Selekt

Installation: with glue on the subfloor

Phases: on four sides, microphases at the ends

Suitable adhesives: Stauf, Wakol Suitable subfloors: concrete, OSB, plywood, wood

Material description: the boards are equipped with a plug or groove on four sides. The phases help to hide the cracks between the boards, which occur and close seasonally. Partially unplaned places on the underside of some boards are allowed, which does not affect the height or stability of the installed boards. Installed on the subfloor with the adhesives recommended in the table.