Solid floor ash, “Natur 20-65” 1SMP6

Solid floor ash or solid wood floor of the ash means that the whole floor consists of boards made entirely of ash wood (see the cross-sectional view of the table on the left). Possibility to order full oak and pine interior doors, window sills, stairs, worktops, slats.

Natur – Natural refined balance has a cozy and elegant effect. The beautiful wood grain pattern and striped appearance of the ash wood give each room a unique character.

The ashe’s massive floorboards add dignity to any room, are easy to maintain, warm to the feet and noise-free. Solid floors have the longest service life, reaching 100+ years. Thus, from the point of view of floor life and price ratio, it is the cheapest floor material.

Wood is a natural material, so the tonality and pattern of wood varies.

Product code: 1SMP6
Thickness: 20mm
Finishing: unfinished
Widths: 140mm
For underfloor heating: not recommended
Length: 800-3000mm
Construction: solid wood
Sort: Natur
Installation: with glue on the subfloor
Phases: on four sides, microphases at the ends
Suitable adhesives: Stauff 460, Wakol 260
Suitable subfloors: concrete, OSB, plywood, wood

Material description: the boards are equipped with a plug or groove on four sides. The surface of the tables is branchless, color change is allowed. The phases help to hide the cracks between the tables, which appear and close seasonally. Woodengold solid wood boards have all undergone slow pre-grinding – so the boards are ready for finishing.


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Solid floor ash or solid wood floor of the ash means that the whole floor consists of boards made entirely of ash wood (see the cross-sectional view of the table on the left). Possibility to order full oak and pine interior doors, window sills, stairs, worktops, slats.

Natur – Natural refined balance has a cozy and elegant effect. The beautiful wood grain pattern and striped appearance of the ash wood give each room a unique character.

The ashe’s massive floorboards add dignity to any room, are easy to maintain, warm to the feet and noise-free. Solid floors have the longest service life, reaching 100+ years. Thus, from the point of view of floor life and price ratio, it is the cheapest floor material.

Wood is a natural material, so the tonality and pattern of wood varies.

Product code: 1SMP6
Thickness: 20mm
Finishing: unfinished
Widths: 140mm
For underfloor heating: not recommended
Length: 800-3000mm
Construction: solid wood
Sort: Natur
Installation: with glue on the subfloor
Phases: on four sides, microphases at the ends
Suitable adhesives: Stauff 460, Wakol 260
Suitable subfloors: concrete, OSB, plywood, wood

Material description: the boards are equipped with a plug or groove on four sides. The surface of the tables is branchless, color change is allowed. The phases help to hide the cracks between the tables, which appear and close seasonally. Woodengold solid wood boards have all undergone slow pre-grinding – so the boards are ready for finishing.